2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會
Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2024
(Nov. 28 貴賓預展,僅限受邀者參與|VIP Preview, by invitation only)
駁二藝術特區 P2/自行車倉庫|P2 & Bicycle Warehouse, Pier-2 Art Center
2024 ART KAOHSIUNG✨First Glance at Selected Exhibits!
Sori CHOI, “Visible Sound (First competition I)” (Percussed and ground on copper|於銅板上敲擊研磨; 60 x 60 cm; 2015; Gallery|藝廊:아트인동산 art in dongsan)
藝術家Sori CHOI四十多年來探求的聲音世界,恰濃縮在她的“Visible Sound”系列中。相較於其他藝術家,她的獨特之處是本身作為「打擊樂獨奏家」,而在全球200多座城市演出,並以打擊樂連結其藝術作品與表演。他敲擊的不是鼓,而是鋁、銅、黃銅板以及紙、畫布等,並加以塗繪、研磨和腐蝕。透過這項實驗性的藝術實踐,這位世界級的打擊樂手暨音樂家將其一生對樂音的探索轉移到藝術領域之中。
The 'Visible Sound' series condenses the world of sound, which Sori has been pursuing for over 40 years. Compared to other artists, he is unique in that he has performed as a 'percussion soloist' in more than 200 cities around the world, and he connects his art works with performances using percussion. Instead of drums, he plays aluminum plates, copper plates, brass plates, paper, canvas, etc. and paints, corrodes, and grinds them. It is an experimental artistic practice in which a world-class percussionist and musician transfers his lifelong exploration of sound through music into the realm of art.
購票連結|Ticket purchase: https://reurl.cc/XRboke